Rubin - Green Reaper (Original Concept)

You can find Green Reaper on Steam!
Green Reaper is a Rookies Finalist :D
My design process of creating the main character, Rubin, for the game Green Reaper.
This was the original concept after various iterative designs before it was re-designed a final time in post production by Dottie Johnson

Original Concept

Original Concept

Concept sketches 1/3

Concept sketches 1/3

Concept sketches 2/3

Concept sketches 2/3

First Refined Concept

First Refined Concept

First Model Sheet

First Model Sheet

Concept sketches 3/3

Concept sketches 3/3

Color Exploration

Color Exploration

Second refined Concept

Second refined Concept

Second pass of the Model Sheet - Uncolored

Second pass of the Model Sheet - Uncolored

Back of the character iterations

Back of the character iterations

Third pass of the Sodel Sheet - Uncolored + Complete re-design

Third pass of the Sodel Sheet - Uncolored + Complete re-design

Third pass of the Uncolored Model Sheet V2

Third pass of the Uncolored Model Sheet V2